We conducted an audit of based on an observed increase in the length of stay (LOS) of admitted Stroke/TIA patients to our service.
This descriptive quantitative study of hospitalised stroke patients admitted to Grampians Health-Ballarat Base Hospital is aimed at understanding possible causes of prolonged LOS based on demographic and socio-economic data of patients. Our focus is on non-clinical factors that may influence LOS in the specific cohort of patients
We aim to use the identified factors to effect change within our service that other healthcare professionals, policy makers and others involved in the design and development of stroke services may use as a template and reference.
We conducted a retrospective audit of adult patients (aged ≥18 years). We collated existing non-identifiable, quantitative data in the medical records consisting demographic features and brief clinical data. The majority of data collection was based on socio-economic factors including home address, marital status, pre-existing care package etc. The statistical analysis is aimed at identifying trends, patterns, and relationships of non-clinical factors that influence LOS.
We identified a number of socio-economic and demographic factors that contributed to prolonged LOS. This was especially true in older and disadvantaged patients with poor existing social support networks.
Prolonged LOS in stroke patients is generally attributed to clinical factors. Our findings suggest that non-clinical factors area contributing factor. These issues need to be addressed differently and underline the importance of non-clinical members of the multidisciplinary team such as the social worker. (Words: 248)